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The Slopers Den, NYC, United States
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

HAs the world gone mad

first you have all these politicians cheating and lying next the crack down on njs city hall and now it gets better the prostitues in cali want to form a union....
now is it me or what would happen when these women strike are they gonna walk the streets, seriously people the world as we know it is getting more and more crazy by the minute, the women in my area are looking like sticks i would be content with a small island wit mookie cux the world as we know it has gone awol......

i cant wait to go in august to france because honestly i cant deal with what the states and its people are doing....]\

all these days people seem to do is complain about this or that but seriously does having money or material possesssion going to make them happy

theres a saying that goes its easy for the human heart to succumb to egoism and self interest when one is tempted by power,prestige, or personal profit strongly attached to status abd position or obssessed with fame or fortune Faith is ultimately a struggle with our own self centeredness.

i mean to go deeper into this will take a good conversation and food jajajajajajajaj
but for me it reminds me that there are far worse things that go on this world than having that perfect body or purse.....when one is at peace with themselves inside and out that is when and only when things will pick up just a thought....

i will say this on mjs case there will be arrest and even though he is responsible himself he didnt deserve it......

hope everyone has a blessed week or dont forget to the women out there sheckys.com has a great beauty nite out with a bag so enjoy

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


my heart goes out to the children when mariah came out and started singing it sounded she was gonna break but inbstead of her breaking it was me because i cant believe hes gone, paris crying and talking about how she loved her father,i couldnt stop crying and still cant, this brings up when my brothers passed away, he was gone too soon from this earth, he needed to be a father to his children, its not fair, the media can finally leave him alone, for anyone who taught he was a molester he wasnt, he was a humanitarian,a good father to his children, those that try to break him couldnt do it and never will......

He was human just like you and I and so what he was different from others so was piccasso and others who were brilliant, he was more than an icon he was a son,brother,father,friend.....People need to be stop being so judgemental towards others whether theyre straight,weird,gay, or have a disease and start appreciating people and life...

martin luther and his sister bernice gave a beautiful speech, i wouldve loved to see sister maya angeloue there giving her poem, or nikki giovanni there but they werent in attendance.

Im gonna buy some flowers to the gohonzon in memory of mike

my memory would be when i first saw him when i was young i stood up all night waiting for the thriller video and when i watch it i taught it was brilliant and how he used vicent price for the video, of course i had nitemares and didnt sleep for 2 weeks but that is a memory that i will never forget, We will always love you