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The Slopers Den, NYC, United States
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Saturday, March 13, 2010

WOW I finally made it

Okay so Ive been gone for months here hmmmm Where to start, people can be evil individuals whom for the most part have agendas, and its funny how I come across people who act like kids and not think i cant look into their eyes and see the truth, this is one of the things that comes along with chanting, i can see when someone is lying and playing games......

Ive been fortunate to be bless with individuals who are cool versus emotional vampires who are str8 miserable and want to unleash their wrath either on kids or adults that to them they feel some sort of threat which is pettyness.

then u ask why when a child grows up theyre fucked up, well look at the adults either raising them or them being around with, sorry to be so harsh but i dont sit around talking on the phone to people about my issues, my issues i do on my own reason why ur an adult cux ur suppose to find a solution to lifes problems, and even though many have made mistakes, many have learned and made their paths to better lifes, while others love the attention and drama because that is what they know.....

and as for yele haiti meidatakeout.com reported about wyclef someone needs to clarify this on the news.......

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