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Monday, June 22, 2009


Hey all been away for a second been busy with so many daily tasks and my buddisht activities havent had a chance to really come on. With all the mayhem in Iran people need to be thankful that they live in a free country. I don’t know if anyone saw nedas death but it left chills in me that made me think about the injustices that go on not only in Iran but other countries, and for the most part you have senators or reps talking about how obama should do something which personally it isn’t the us business to interfere in these matters if the senators or reps have an issue for those cocksuckers should go into that country and do something about it rather than voice their opinion. These individuals are hypocrites who want a all casualty war, Iran needs to solve their own issues and try to do the recount like it was stated before. We have enough problems with north korea scheduling to launch a missle 7/4 in the island of Hawaii.

I knew this was coming Ive been having dreams in which there was a red alert and we had to leave the city due to this type of shit. In this dream I was entrusted with the scrolls because I wouldn’t leave the place in which I was chanting.

One thing is for sure North Korea isn’t listening to the US and even though the president beefed up security in Hawaii, it wont be enough…..Lets not forget the Taliban ……..

The US is going through tough times, Americans need to be glad they don’t live in iran or any other country where if you commit a crime, you get stoned to death, where you don’t have any freedom and you have to fight for what is yours…..

I will say one thing before i leave Nedas death will not go undone the young voices of iran will continue to voice in the streets, This gives me more leverage to fight more, This young woman was someones sister,daughter,friend who just went to a demostration with her father i will never forget those images that i saw, The Iotola has no control at this point, this is the year of the youth to ban together and reclaim their voices, vote and country.

I will continue to pray for those young voices demostrating as well as the journalist to be safe........

Im out.....
Everyone stay safe especially those my brothers and sisters in IRAN who want a free country.....

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