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The Slopers Den, NYC, United States
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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

tuesdays thoughts

How many times have you held back tears or put a fake smile to hide your anger? In most parts of the world people are taught not to cry due to the facts that they have to be strong and yet from an early age were taught to abandon our feelings but these suppressed emotions have not disappeared? They lie deep within us,slowly building up until they be explode in bursts of outrage or drawn out depressions.

Some Individuals walk through life pretending to be these ideals. They keep their outer surfaces polished but the core of who they are has a big worm crawling around inside it. This worm has been fed by anger, depression loss of the spirit and self abandonment.
In order for the surface of the person to be brilliant , luminous one has to go in and remove whats not real. That worm has been swimming around their subconscious , blocking the light of unconditional love that shines from their core.

In order to be divine one has to be willing to be 100 percent human, we have to be willing to embrace every aspect of ourselves that we judge. We need to embrace the anger, the fear, the selfishness, we need to embrace every part that weve been hiding beneath the falsely polished skin of ourselves so we can become whole and complete.

Its no big secret that we lie, we lie to please others and get approval, we lie to defend ourselves ,to hide parts of ourselves we have learned to judge as wrong or inappropriate. When we lie we are abandoning ourselves. Whenever we modify ourselves in order to receive love we are separated from self. Our greatest fear is to not receive approval. This fear is very strong because we want so badly for people to love us. When we start the journey home to ourselves we start speaking the truth. At first sometimes will do it and sometimes not. Often you will be afraid of doing it but you need to push yourself more and more to be real to stand in your power. In order to do that you have to anchor yourself a space of peace and stability

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