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The Slopers Den, NYC, United States
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Monday, May 18, 2009

I have another retreat this weekend and I cant wait, It will be his first time there and for the most part were going to have our own room thank goodness while mookie has his by himself. Both mookie and him are anticipating this because theyve both had a tough week.
As for me I have to house shopping in the slope i dont want to move to another neighborhood, I want my garden.....
Thank goodnes I was able to sell one of my brothers car,I didnt want any reminders even though I have his audi I need to sell it, I hope my friend who is like a lil brother a member enjoys it.
I was sharing with a member how people need to stop snopping in other peoples relationship because all its causes is a receipe for disaster. Case in point this couple that I know personally recently broke up why because people were all up on their business. I was shocked and at the same time not surprised by the bullness in people. My take is simple just because your relationship didnt work out or because you dont have kids or havent been married qualifies you as therapist...Helloooooooo
That is why people are so stero typical about relationships, One can be happy in a relationship, one can find that good person, people need to get out their comfort zone and look not this ohhhh let him find me or let me chant aka pray about it, sorry but that wont work, until one has develop a relationship with oneself in other words love thy self, and take full responsibilty for thier own actions shit wont happen.

and what kills me is when a woman sees a man and throws herself at him expecting the dude to want her,sorry some dudes already label you by your looks,they way you present themselves.

Its sad to see these young chickens heads as well as these middle age women play games and act stupid because they feel they cant live without a man.
One thing ive come to realize that this shit exist in all races people tend to generalize black women but in this case that doesnt seem to be the case, its in asian,hispanics and white women that tend to act foolishly.

NOw you thinking and asking what about you, me well im melo until you piss me the fuck off and then i will aim for blood... Point Blank theres no thought process in my mind, I am like the lion king, whats mine is mine, house, kids, man and any person that tries to disrupt that will go face down with a knife attach to their back.

Family means alot to me, that is why i am who i am today. Stern and not afraid to speak the truth. people have their own feelings and personally i dont care, my concern is my family point blank....

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