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The Slopers Den, NYC, United States
Giving you a in depth glance of me.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

MY feelings

The true meaning of friendship, friends are suppose to stick together, ride or die not use someones fame as a levarage for their own personal gain.... Can you blame certain celebritys for being the way they are, I cant.

I see everyone as human, not a celebrity or someone who can help me or someone who can provide for me but rather a regular person who has emotions, goals,dreams just like all of us... For rabbi smuley to do what he did has no forgiveness,Please do not believe that Rabbi Shmuley is fulfilling a promise to a friend who wanted to be heard. That is not what this book is about. The Rabbi has two agendas here: 1. to strike while the iron is hot and make as much money as he can from the renewed interest in all things Jackson a mere three months (to the day) after his death, and 2. to exact a kind of revenge for feeling, at the end of their friendship, that Mr. Jackson had made him feel he had wasted his time as a kind of spiritual counselor. His feelings are hurt. I understand this. But his payback is unconscionable and ungodly.

He gets on tv friday and states he wont profit from this book its going to charity, I personally feel it should go to the family,his children. I believe in Karma and He will get his. He wasnt a friend but someone just like the others profiting from someone who had a heart of gold, I saw his personal videos and I can say that he was a human being, Ive always knew that since i was little watching his videos,
I ask anyone looking at this blog to boycott rabbi smuley book because all your doing is helping him get rich..Please do not buy this. Get it from the library, or find your nearest reference library that has it, and photocopy the pages on which Mr. Jackson is quoted.

ANd if rabbi is looking in Kiss my ass because you will fall down father than jesus did.....Im disgusted and angry by these idiots trying to make a profit,and I say these because others are doing the same thing...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Can we please be civilize people

Okay just like all of yall im mad at kanye for his behavior but enough is enough already if you choose not to buy his music im cool because honestly i dont pay for music when i get it for free, but to go as to boycott this is 2 far. Taylor has moved on so out of respect for her lets keep it moving, there is so much mayhem in the world we dont need to fall into the bullness.

Patrick died im like wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i remember dirty dancing and i decided to take dancing because i wanted to dance like him. This brother has issues his lewd is going to take him to a place where he wont come out alive...

my heart goes to annie les family, i dont understand why there isnt cameras in the building where anyone can take shit from the lab. I hope they find the killer and bring that person to justice.

So today i go in to the hospital and was told i have a pulmonary embolism , I am cool while my collegues are freaking out including my child,I look at it like this my day will come eventually and if I die I lived a good life if i had to do it again I wouldve pursued my acting more and not allow people to try to dim my light like so many have done so many times because of the foolishness called envy and jealousy.

People can be so heartless, not giving a care because they are miserable themselves and want to inflict pain because to them thats their strength when in reality its a cop out. Greed and hunger is also a phase that will take you down hill.

anyway im out i have a headache i need sleep.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

the VMAS

MAdonna have you been looking in my blog, because those sounded like my words but in truth I want to thank her because she spoke the truth and I guess one of the reasons why i admire marge so much...

Like I stated previously on my blog this man was more human than you and I and the media cruxified him as though he was the messiah. Janets preformance made me proud as a mother because for her to do this for him took alot out of her she gave her best preformance she has my respect and admiration.

Ever since kanyes mom passed away he has been acting like a fool, what he did was uncalled for his apology came a little too late, he was apologetic when he came on that stage and take taylors moment. He was wrong for that Its ashamed that someone who is so talented can be such an asshole, for beyonce to clean up kanyes mess shows that she is a classy woman and kanye is still a person who wants attention, I will never support such an ass and this type of behavior shouldnt be tolerated by any artist or venue.

Lady gaga reminds me off a modern grace jones love her, pink shes my girl love her,my son who is 15 said how can someone who is suppose to be a role model be an ass, my reply to him was the industry made him into it because he feels he can disrespect any one if i was there i wouldve thrown eggs at kanye and his bald chix amber rose......Vmas need to ban him forever this should apply to any artist who wants to act ghettoo,AS a black woman im ashamed of kanye for his lack of compassion and humanity which he clearly doesnt have.

Janice and tyra need to squash it already, Janice your the orginal Diva LOVE YA MAMA

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Here is something worth reading

i havent wrote much been busy with work,school etc..... If i dont respond probably its because im in some hospital with ivs stuck in my body due to my stubborness and jarett your going to kick me sideways just make sure you have the machine to bring me back, and dont take me off the machine, under no circumstances....and i am of sound mind some of yall are thinking okay this chic is insane but making my wishes here as well as paper people tend to read my blog so they can print it and give it to the docs....

anyway hope you guys have a blessed week


I read it and have to say i Love ms colar shes on point

Color Preferences, Michael Jackson, and the Love of Self One component of my recovery from addictions is accepting myself.

A couple weeks ago, after watching an MSNBC segment on Harvard's Implicit Aptitude Test (IAT)^, I jumped at the opportunity to try it. After sifting through the different options, I decided to take the light skin vs. dark skin sample test. Once I finished it, my result was: Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Dark Skin compared to Light Skin. I was absolutely stunned. I didn't know what the result would be, but I wasn't expecting that.

Recently I read a piece from author Kimberly Allers titled "Today I Cried for Lost Black Boys: Sadness for Michael". One line read: I will not rest until my little black boy, MY Michael, knows that his broad nose is beautiful, his chocolately brown skin is beautiful, and his thick hair is beautiful.

Some of the same reasons I've felt sadness about Michael Jackson's death are associated with why I was shocked about my IAT test result. I spent a number of years confused, uncomfortable, distressed, and otherwise unhappy about being black. The color of my skin, the size of my lips, the width of my nose, the texture of my hair - why, I thought, did God make me this way? If I had to be black, why couldn't I at least be light like my mom and my cousins? The difficulty I had reconciling my identity and race played a large role in developing an eating disorder.

And the eating disorder thing - I was already struggling with not fitting into a self-imposed "black mold". Then I have to go and get an eating disorder - and everyone knows black people don't get eating disorders. Except, apparently, some do.

A large component of my recovery from an assortment of addictive behaviors is learning how to accept myself. This includes being comfortable as a female, as a Christian, as a sexual being, comfortable with my body, comfortable as an African American - just comfortable with myself period. What a journey it has been. While I still struggle with it, I have definitely made progress. That is the time-, energy-, and sanity-effective thing to do. After all, the irony is if we spend tons of time and energy trying to be what we think others want us to be or what we think we're supposed to be, we're not able to just be. Obsessing takes over living, and the past and future eclipse the present.

So my heart hurts when I know that Michael Jackson struggled with who he felt he was supposed to be, who others felt he was supposed to be, what he should look like, what he should act like - in essence, who he was. His body dysmorphic disorder played a large role in his life, from what surgical procedures he had to what food he ate (or didn't eat). My heart hurts when I think of how many people there are who, while situations and manifestations are different, deal with some of those same underlying struggles.

I'm reminded of Dr. Kenneth and Mamie Clark's doll experiment in 1939 in which they asked black school children which doll they preferred and which doll looked most like them. The results showed that the kids often preferred white dolls to black dolls and connoted white as good and black as bad. I grew up in quite a different environment, yet I know that - as was demonstrated by my love of blonde Barbies and distaste for black Barbies - my doll results would've fit the norm. So from that perspective, I found the IAT result to be encouraging.

That doesn't make the result good or bad - it just is. Nonetheless, I believe it demonstrates that the girl I used to be - who would tuck in her upper lip to make it look smaller, pull her sweatshirt past her waist to minimize her body, soften her voice to seem less threatening, and in general, try to be what she thought others wanted her to be - is continuing to grow.

Allers' poem ends: Now ain't we bad? And ain't we black? And ain't we fine?

My ending would be: Ain't we ourselves? And ain't we comfortable being ourselves?

That's what I strive to be.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

HAs the world gone mad

first you have all these politicians cheating and lying next the crack down on njs city hall and now it gets better the prostitues in cali want to form a union....
now is it me or what would happen when these women strike are they gonna walk the streets, seriously people the world as we know it is getting more and more crazy by the minute, the women in my area are looking like sticks i would be content with a small island wit mookie cux the world as we know it has gone awol......

i cant wait to go in august to france because honestly i cant deal with what the states and its people are doing....]\

all these days people seem to do is complain about this or that but seriously does having money or material possesssion going to make them happy

theres a saying that goes its easy for the human heart to succumb to egoism and self interest when one is tempted by power,prestige, or personal profit strongly attached to status abd position or obssessed with fame or fortune Faith is ultimately a struggle with our own self centeredness.

i mean to go deeper into this will take a good conversation and food jajajajajajajaj
but for me it reminds me that there are far worse things that go on this world than having that perfect body or purse.....when one is at peace with themselves inside and out that is when and only when things will pick up just a thought....

i will say this on mjs case there will be arrest and even though he is responsible himself he didnt deserve it......

hope everyone has a blessed week or dont forget to the women out there sheckys.com has a great beauty nite out with a bag so enjoy

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


my heart goes out to the children when mariah came out and started singing it sounded she was gonna break but inbstead of her breaking it was me because i cant believe hes gone, paris crying and talking about how she loved her father,i couldnt stop crying and still cant, this brings up when my brothers passed away, he was gone too soon from this earth, he needed to be a father to his children, its not fair, the media can finally leave him alone, for anyone who taught he was a molester he wasnt, he was a humanitarian,a good father to his children, those that try to break him couldnt do it and never will......

He was human just like you and I and so what he was different from others so was piccasso and others who were brilliant, he was more than an icon he was a son,brother,father,friend.....People need to be stop being so judgemental towards others whether theyre straight,weird,gay, or have a disease and start appreciating people and life...

martin luther and his sister bernice gave a beautiful speech, i wouldve loved to see sister maya angeloue there giving her poem, or nikki giovanni there but they werent in attendance.

Im gonna buy some flowers to the gohonzon in memory of mike

my memory would be when i first saw him when i was young i stood up all night waiting for the thriller video and when i watch it i taught it was brilliant and how he used vicent price for the video, of course i had nitemares and didnt sleep for 2 weeks but that is a memory that i will never forget, We will always love you

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I went tonight to sheckys girls night out and have to give it 2 thumbs up, ladies if you want get almost 75 percent off clothes,shoes,bags,jewelry, and get free drinks, food and do the free samples then this is the place for you girls to go to, for a small price you get a goody bag with pretty much samples from tampons,food, aveno, books,etc or get to go for free and not get the goody bag, this is a place where all i can say is the best time ive ever had, mind you i went alone because i wanted to check it out before hand......

I will be going to philis event and probably the hamptons as well......all im saying is ladies if you have female friends i suggest you do a girls night out event and go to sheckys and enjoy the ambiance.....

Im happy to be part of this growing event and it will get better yall.....

im off im heading to class

Monday, June 22, 2009


Hey all been away for a second been busy with so many daily tasks and my buddisht activities havent had a chance to really come on. With all the mayhem in Iran people need to be thankful that they live in a free country. I don’t know if anyone saw nedas death but it left chills in me that made me think about the injustices that go on not only in Iran but other countries, and for the most part you have senators or reps talking about how obama should do something which personally it isn’t the us business to interfere in these matters if the senators or reps have an issue for those cocksuckers should go into that country and do something about it rather than voice their opinion. These individuals are hypocrites who want a all casualty war, Iran needs to solve their own issues and try to do the recount like it was stated before. We have enough problems with north korea scheduling to launch a missle 7/4 in the island of Hawaii.

I knew this was coming Ive been having dreams in which there was a red alert and we had to leave the city due to this type of shit. In this dream I was entrusted with the scrolls because I wouldn’t leave the place in which I was chanting.

One thing is for sure North Korea isn’t listening to the US and even though the president beefed up security in Hawaii, it wont be enough…..Lets not forget the Taliban ……..

The US is going through tough times, Americans need to be glad they don’t live in iran or any other country where if you commit a crime, you get stoned to death, where you don’t have any freedom and you have to fight for what is yours…..

I will say one thing before i leave Nedas death will not go undone the young voices of iran will continue to voice in the streets, This gives me more leverage to fight more, This young woman was someones sister,daughter,friend who just went to a demostration with her father i will never forget those images that i saw, The Iotola has no control at this point, this is the year of the youth to ban together and reclaim their voices, vote and country.

I will continue to pray for those young voices demostrating as well as the journalist to be safe........

Im out.....
Everyone stay safe especially those my brothers and sisters in IRAN who want a free country.....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

tuesdays thoughts

How many times have you held back tears or put a fake smile to hide your anger? In most parts of the world people are taught not to cry due to the facts that they have to be strong and yet from an early age were taught to abandon our feelings but these suppressed emotions have not disappeared? They lie deep within us,slowly building up until they be explode in bursts of outrage or drawn out depressions.

Some Individuals walk through life pretending to be these ideals. They keep their outer surfaces polished but the core of who they are has a big worm crawling around inside it. This worm has been fed by anger, depression loss of the spirit and self abandonment.
In order for the surface of the person to be brilliant , luminous one has to go in and remove whats not real. That worm has been swimming around their subconscious , blocking the light of unconditional love that shines from their core.

In order to be divine one has to be willing to be 100 percent human, we have to be willing to embrace every aspect of ourselves that we judge. We need to embrace the anger, the fear, the selfishness, we need to embrace every part that weve been hiding beneath the falsely polished skin of ourselves so we can become whole and complete.

Its no big secret that we lie, we lie to please others and get approval, we lie to defend ourselves ,to hide parts of ourselves we have learned to judge as wrong or inappropriate. When we lie we are abandoning ourselves. Whenever we modify ourselves in order to receive love we are separated from self. Our greatest fear is to not receive approval. This fear is very strong because we want so badly for people to love us. When we start the journey home to ourselves we start speaking the truth. At first sometimes will do it and sometimes not. Often you will be afraid of doing it but you need to push yourself more and more to be real to stand in your power. In order to do that you have to anchor yourself a space of peace and stability

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

for a glimpse on what my life is about look at this

people question me on my faith and practice and some dont understand so heres the dvd so they can see for themselves why i love it so much and why i am much happier today than ive been in years.


copy and paste to your url and see for yourselves because i wouldnt trade it in the world......

Monday, May 18, 2009

I have another retreat this weekend and I cant wait, It will be his first time there and for the most part were going to have our own room thank goodness while mookie has his by himself. Both mookie and him are anticipating this because theyve both had a tough week.
As for me I have to house shopping in the slope i dont want to move to another neighborhood, I want my garden.....
Thank goodnes I was able to sell one of my brothers car,I didnt want any reminders even though I have his audi I need to sell it, I hope my friend who is like a lil brother a member enjoys it.
I was sharing with a member how people need to stop snopping in other peoples relationship because all its causes is a receipe for disaster. Case in point this couple that I know personally recently broke up why because people were all up on their business. I was shocked and at the same time not surprised by the bullness in people. My take is simple just because your relationship didnt work out or because you dont have kids or havent been married qualifies you as therapist...Helloooooooo
That is why people are so stero typical about relationships, One can be happy in a relationship, one can find that good person, people need to get out their comfort zone and look not this ohhhh let him find me or let me chant aka pray about it, sorry but that wont work, until one has develop a relationship with oneself in other words love thy self, and take full responsibilty for thier own actions shit wont happen.

and what kills me is when a woman sees a man and throws herself at him expecting the dude to want her,sorry some dudes already label you by your looks,they way you present themselves.

Its sad to see these young chickens heads as well as these middle age women play games and act stupid because they feel they cant live without a man.
One thing ive come to realize that this shit exist in all races people tend to generalize black women but in this case that doesnt seem to be the case, its in asian,hispanics and white women that tend to act foolishly.

NOw you thinking and asking what about you, me well im melo until you piss me the fuck off and then i will aim for blood... Point Blank theres no thought process in my mind, I am like the lion king, whats mine is mine, house, kids, man and any person that tries to disrupt that will go face down with a knife attach to their back.

Family means alot to me, that is why i am who i am today. Stern and not afraid to speak the truth. people have their own feelings and personally i dont care, my concern is my family point blank....
What drives women to give up jobs, leave friends and family, and take monastic vows in a faraway land? My visit to a Tibetan Buddhist nunnery in India provided some answers. 
The pale faces of the women walking in and out of the dining hall of this Tibetan nunnery are distinctly un-Tibetan: they’re Australian, European, American, and Filipino. I get my bread and soup, then join the rest of the group in the sunny courtyard.
“Oh, I remember my first time,” says one woman with a smile. “I walked out thinking, oh, my God, what have I done?” The others laugh and nod in agreement.
I’m sitting with a group of Buddhist nuns, and they’re sharing their ordination stories. Typically, Asian women receive ordination when they are young and often have no choice in the matter. But these Western nuns have made a conscious decision. They are educated, have had careers, and some even have families and children. We are at Thosamling Nunnery in Sidhpur, nestled in the Himalayas a few kilometers away from His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s residence. This is the first and only Buddhist nunnery in India for Western nuns.
Finding Faith in India
Ani (Sister) Choekyi, a 26-year-old nun from Australia, was 21 when she arrived in India. After her ordination in Sydney, she’d gone back to her full-time job. “I had consciously made a decision to remain celibate, to pray morning and night, go to retreats, and focus on the Dharma [literally, “protection”; the Buddhist means of eliminating ignorance],” she says. But working — and working with non-Buddhist people in particular — made that a challenge. Ani Choekyi knew she had to find a way to focus completely on her Dharma, so she decided to travel to India.
Thosamling Nunnery and Institute was built in 2006, after Ani Sangmo, another resident, now 49, had spent several years as a nun in India and repeatedly found that Western women had fewer options and very different struggles than their Asian counterparts. The Tibetans, refugees in India, have to support their own communities and people, and they assume that Westerners are rich. While some Tibetan monastics are able to stay in monasteries and nunneries for free, Western monks and nuns have to pay for lodging and food. In places where Tibetans are charged, Westerners pay two or three times the rate.
Nuns must pay a very nominal fee to stay in Thosamling Nunnery; other women like me, who are interested in learning about the Dharma or in undertaking retreats, are welcome to rent rooms. Our fees help offset the costs of the nunnery.
Why Buddhism?
When at age 14 Ani Yeshe Chodron lost her father, she began to question the meaning of life. She left school at 15 and became a hippie. “I wasn’t just being self-indulgent or hedonistic,” she says. “I was really looking for a spiritual path. So I lived in communes and I tried yoga, and I tried vegetarianism, and I tried fruitarianism, and I tried drugs, and I tried boys, and I tried every extreme there is. And none of those things satisfied me in the long term.” At age 17, she came to India to explore a quasi-Hindu sect known for its free-love and free-drugs culture. It was in a bookstore in Nepal that she came across Reborn in the West: The Reincarnation Masters (Da Capo Press, 1996) by Vicki Mackenzie. The book steered her toward Buddhism, and she enrolled in several meditation retreats. Six years later, she was ordained in Australia. 
For Ani Choekyi, it was also a book that made the difference. Longing for happiness in an unhappy life, one day she saw His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s face on a book titled The Art of Happiness. “Gee, that said it all,” she laughs. Plagued by questions about why things were as they were, she says, “The law of cause and effect was probably the thing that hooked me into Buddhism. If you do this, you’ll get this result. Logical.”
Dharma in the Daily Life
At any given time, Thosamling is home to about 15 nuns and the same number of non-monastic women, although there is room for 80 residents, and the nunnery temple can hold at least 120. The institute hosts classes for Buddhists — nuns, monks, and even lay practitioners — who want to learn the Tibetan language and the Dharma. Every day, the nuns get up before dawn, pray in the temple, and meet in the dining hall for breakfast. Some eat alone; some sit in groups and talk about their lessons. Others practice learning Tibetan with each other. And some, I discover after getting a stare but no verbal response to my small talk about the weather, are on a silent retreat that can last for several days and months.
Western nuns come after facing unique challenges in their own countries, where they’re often seen as escapists trying to run away from the responsibilities of a normal life. “Living in the West is a bit like living as a fish on the shore,” says Ani Sangmo, who was ordained at age 37 after having practiced Buddhism for seven years. “There are not so many places you can stay where you have the direct guidance from a teacher around you. It is so much different to live in India, close to the Tibetans, and study and practice in their environment. They help you and teach you not only the Dharma but also about the customs and their rich tradition, which is very interwoven with Buddhism.”
Going Home
“Sixty to seventy percent of Western monks disrobe because even though they have vows against going out and working in a lay job, they have no options,” says Ani Yeshe. “They’re basically almost held in contempt in the West, unfortunately.” But this, she says, is a good thing, because it makes them give up seeking praise and fame and forces them to look inside. “You know that it’s not about the outside,” she says. “It’s more about how much you’re torn about your own ego, your own delusions, your own pride. That’s the hardest battle.”
After finding little support in Australia, Ani Yeshe left her Dharma center, and with her robes and bowl, set out to find what the world had to offer. Every day, she’d wake up not knowing where she would sleep, what she would eat, what she would do. “I found that with that kind of surrender, there’s a certain kind of power that comes. . . . You find that your true home is in your heart and not in a place.”
Soon after this, HarperCollins offered her a chance to write a book about her life, which she did. Everyday Enlightenment: How to Be a Spiritual Warrior at the Kitchen Sink was published in 2006. She also started teaching the Dharma to people in Australia who were interested in Buddhism.
As nuns, Western women encounter some interesting reactions from people, both in India and in their home countries. People sometimes wonder if the nuns belong to cults; they’re sometimes regarded with awe, other times with suspicion; and more than one nun says she’s been wished good luck with her chemotherapy because of her bald head.
“I miss being invisible,” says Ani Yeshe. “When you’re a lay person you can go to movies — no one will blink. But when you’re a monk or a nun, you’re really obvious. They don’t see you anymore. They see the Dharma,” which can be a blessing. “There’s a lot of freedom to being a monk or a nun, because my relationships with people are much more pure. They know that I don’t want anything from them. I don’t want to manipulate them; I don’t want to possess them, and they trust me.”
Sex and Monasticism
One of the biggest challenges to being a nun is celibacy. Ani Choekyi was in a six-year relationship when she decided to become a nun. She was only 17 when she first started dating her then-boyfriend. But in a way, she’s thankful for celibacy. “I don’t feel obligated to do these things in society now because people can physically see that I’m out of the contest.” Ani Choekyi wanted to give her life to the Dharma. “In Buddhism, we think that if you take a lot of vows, it’s more powerful,” she says. “Everything you do is more powerful. So it’s like a pressure cooker. You have fewer options, and because there are fewer options, there’s more clarity, there’s more power, there’s more focus. It’s more intense.”
It’s also about declaring your faith, to yourself and to others, she says. “If I externally change my appearance, every time I get dressed, every time I look in the mirror, every time I look down, I’m reminded that I’m committed to changing my mind. Because if I don’t have that level of responsibility, I would easily rationalize my negative behaviors.” She doesn’t believe, however, that monasticism is for everyone, nor does she believe that someone is not a serious practitioner if he or she is not a monk or a nun.
“If the joys didn’t outweigh the sorrows, I would have given up long ago,” says Ani Yeshe. “When you know that this freedom of spirit is possible, when you know that this purity of mind exists and that you can experience it with your own heart, then to give up everything else is not so hard.”

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Watching american idol

Im here watching american idol and i swear paula is lip synching because the cameras werent doing their usual close up and aside from she was great. 2 kudos now no doubt i will be nice because all i will say is that their played the fucked out. I know the recession is here but shit, please dont go on tour.......
My son is telling me he wants to celebrate his bday a day early with his friends instead of having a home BBQ he wants to go to his favorite sushi restaurant and go to the movies. I have a surprise for him aside from wat he was given already. He wants to do something for me but i told him someone has taken care of that. NO they didnt get rid of my lil kelly clarkson look alike NOW IM MAD SHE NEEDED TO STAY they should of gotten of that chris or that gay lost jonas brother aside from that im not watching idol at this point....lil kims new song needs work because tpain is doing more vocals than her and the video sucks, kim has better taste wth happen she better get the best producers, love the chix no doubt ...
in other news Maddoff is a whore cheating on his wife no surprise this is ongoing cycle as women age they let themselves go or dont have the energy or dont seduce theyre man that another female takes over sad but true........
more rain dammmmmmmm
I want a doggie ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
okay im off

Monday, May 4, 2009

This weather

Ive always been one who for the most part keeps things to her self and doesnt worry about shit because personally ive known that to every problem there is a solution. And of course you have individuals who have to be all up in the goods because they feel their opinion counts which in reality it doesnt because one has one life to live and one has to make choices whether they are good or bad. each of us goes through some storm in our lives and some may suffer defeat and others just give up. The essence of the creative life however is to persevere in the face of defeat and to follow the rainbow within your heart. Some thing ive come to learn as a buddhist. Indulgence and indolence are not creative, complaints and evasions are cowardly and they corrupt lifes natural tendency towards creation. The individual who gives up the fight for the creativeness is headed ultimately for the hell that destroys all life. At first i didnt understand what all that meant but as my faith and study grew I now know what it means. One has to do something and start something as one makes consistent efforts one begins to see the goals come into focus and then one discovers their mission. 

I have to say this much its been 4 yrs and No amount of test can make me think twice about my practice and what it means to me. 

Side note::::::::::::::} One thing Ive come to realize people need to stop trying to imitate or look up to others and seriously find their own strength, all this envious and jealousy doesnt get anyone anywhere first of all and secondly like I have always stated one can obtain the same lifestyle if they work hard for it meaning making sacrifies, Ive been making these sacrificies since 14 years old. People always envied me over stupid shit that to me isnt important, what is important to me is my relationship with my son. When one has a strong bond with family usually the family becomes prosperous and that is true in this case. All these material wealth that I have accumulated through out my lifetime are just unimportant but to some its means more to them than a family and that is the reason why some worldly people never become happy, As long as they even have those traits they will never achieve their goals. Some may disagree with this and their entitled to.  

I cant believe I graduate next year and head on to med school wowwwwwwwwwwww
mookie will be in his second year and hopefully hell be driving his uncles car.  It seems like yesterday he was in my arms, and today he carries me wow, I never forget when i swore that he will never miss anything, and so far ive given him the best life a mother can give their child, I love my child and he loves me back our relationship is so tight NO one can come between us, and this summer if he does great on his exams i will surprise him with a trip to Europe so we can see our friend/partner.  And when he comes home today his mouth will drop when he hears mommy is now mirokos partner hell be happy :)

Cant wait till june I have so much activities going on it aint even funny between the yoga conferences, the girls night out, the morning salutation and kosen rufu ill be worn out not to mention, the preps and the business......

anyway im off Ill be back in a couple of days 

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Where to Begin

I finally made it, I have to say that life has a way of one minute your on the floor and the next your on top of the world and when you least expect it, everything that you worked for is taken from you. Sure weve all experienced it and it took time before we got that break but for some it never comes. I have to say that this year for me has been a journey that i will never forget, losing my 2 brothers , along with my own setbacks I ve manage to weather the storm and move foward. By the way Im a buddhist for those that dont know or care to know. This practice has enable me to become a stronger person even in the midst of the most crucial times Ive never turn my back on this practice. People have their opinions and thats fine by me,but to the millions of members out there that do practice we know that this works for us and even though there may be some members out there who are down right stupid, insecure and callous. I have no plans of ever leaving this practice.

Today I learned that I am cancer free meaning the disease is no longer in my body, Ive been with cancer since I was 21 years of age many times doctors have said I would die and many times Ive defied them. I also was diagonesed with a DVT and that 2 is no longer there. Through my rigorous faith in the gohonzon and my determination that i wasnt going to have my uterus removed words cant describe how I feel right now. A part of me is humble and happy, the other side of me really cant feel due to me still mourning for them. Something to share Ultimately happiness rests on how you establish a solid sense of self or being. Happiness does not lie in outward appearances nor in vanity. It is a matter of what you feel inside , it is a deep resonance in your life. To be filled eachday with a rewarding sense of exhilaration and purpose,a sense of tasks accomplished and deep fulfillment,people who feel this way are happy. Those who have this sense of satisfaction even if they are extremely busy are happier than those who have time on their hands but feel empty inside.

Life is too precious to be caught up on the bullshit drama. One of the reasons why I keep my life so key not saying much for me its better that way the only one that needs to know is my son. I told him the story how i was told by doctors not to have him and how i fought tooth and nail to keep him in my belly long enough for him to make his debut, he said i was a buddah back them. I am off to clean myself........

and to the person whom i saw tuesday happy now......HMMMMMMMM